I've been thinking about this for a while but now that I've almost cleared my first year of writing the Mycelial Network I want to know what folks think. I've created a survey monkey to help me do that. Please, if you read the blog or if you have ever read the blog fill the survey out. Even if this is literally the first time you've ever even heard of the Mycelial Network. Seriously. It should only take you a minute or two.
This should hopefully steer any actual decisions I make about how I write the blog. Thanks everyone who does read and who may have passed the blog on to others.
Just follow the link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/93BZTXF
Well, then, Happy Birthday! But more, congratulations on keeping up a year of blogging! I may have stopped commenting so much, but I still appreciate learning and re-learning such interesting information...